Benefits of tourists:*

Stimulates the local economy as tourists use services such as hotels, restaurants, entertainment venues, transportation, and buy local souvenirs.

: Another benefit is that the locals and tourists can learn about another's culture and engage in social conversations. New friendships and networks can emerge out of these interactions.

Some tourists blog or post about a city or country they visit, thus promoting it to others who may then visit these places in the future. So, tourists can be an indirect source of promotion.*

Disadvantages of tourists:

can create more pollution as they buy food and use goods in disposable packages. More use of vehicles increases air pollution. Could be an increase in noise and activities around the city, especially around beaches, clubs, restaurants, shops, pools, and parks, all of these being frequented by tourists.

Causes of urbanization: social and economic reasons. Many people leave rural areas to live in urban areas because it's easier to find employment in cities, more housing choices, more amenities, better roadways, transportation systems, and internet access.

Another reason is growth in industries. As more businesses and industries open their operations in larger cities, they attract job seekers and other businesses that can partner with them or are supported by them. For example, in a city here in Canada there is a company that makes cardboard boxes, which is a product that is heavily reliant on glue to hold the cardboard pieces together. Therefore, this attracted a glue factory to set up operations nearby. Similarly, as more and more people migrate to a city, the population grows and so does the demand for consumer goods. Therefore, larger department stores and mega-malls are being built to meet the needs of the people. There are cities here that almost double in population size when colleges and universities are in session because of the student population that relocates to live near or on the campus.

*Impact of urbanization:*

Both negative and positive...better amenities and access to facilities, better jobs and pay, better schools and educational opportunities in a larger city. Closer to good-quality hospitals, doctors, and dentists. Good internet access and the ability to get around using different transportation modes.


More pollution, noise, crowds, excess demands on water and sewage systems can lead to inadequate supply, unsanitary conditions when residential areas are overcrowded, long lineups everywhere, waste disposal problems, industrial pollution can lead to environmental disasters, more communicable diseases are spread easily when there are greater quantities of people, and there could be a shortage of affordable housing if there is an increased demand for it.

They have a better grasp of social and political issues, tend to participate more in these areas, and may be more active in sports,s, or be avid sports fans because there are more opportunities to be involved in sports in a large city. For ex, in Toronto, we have baseball, basketball, soccer, and football stadiums. In smaller towns, there are no stadiums, only a recreational area where kids and youth can go to play a sport.


Grocery stores in larger cities carry foods and fresh fruits and vegetables from around the world, so city dwellers are exposed to tropical fruits regularly, whereas smaller towns may only offer local produce in their grocery stores.

Tourism has became the global phenomenon as many people are approaching tourism as their Job or in their word passion.

Tourist are bringing money in the respective countries where they visit and also the experience.As it says that a picture has thousands words so the life experiences with local they tells us about is more accurate and authentic.tourist brings new ideas and culture.

But the problem start when they didn't care about the conflicts between the two countries and just don't respect the culture of other countries their traditions and hurt the local people.sure there are not many people like this but there are some.another disadvantages is pollution because of their disposal system.

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