Writer fizagill
Pakistan agriculture land
Pakistan is an agricultural land 

Pakistan is an agricultural country, however in recent years, it has become more Industrialized An industrial country produces goods using its power and natural resources there are some essential requirements for any country that wants to develop new industries must have power, water, raw materials, machines, and workers ers

Water in pakistan
Dams in Pakistan 

damPowerdynamowater flow
Hydroelectricity is an important source
Hydroelectricity is an important source

Hydroelectricity is an important source of power, generated by the water stored in dams. The dams have special gates which can be opened and closed. There are turbines (wheel-like machines) near these gates. When a gate is opened, water rushes through and turns the turbines, The power created by the turbines goes to a generator, which changes it into electrical power. This power is called hydroelectricity. Hydro means water.

Power generated through water
steam, dynamo, turbine, heat,

Power generated through heat
Power generated through water steam,dynamo,turbine,heat,
Power generated through water
steam, dynamo, turbine, heat,

Much of the electricity in the country is produced by thermal power plants. For this, we burn fuels such as coal, gas, and oil. There are thermal power stations in Karachi, Hyderabad, Rawalpindi, Quetta, Lahore, Faisalabad, Guddu, Sukkur, and other places in the country.
electricity in the country is produced by thermal power plants.
electricity in the country is produced by thermal power plants.

Another kind of power is nuclear or atomic power. Nuclear power stations are expensive to build and only a few countries in the world have developed this power. There are two nuclear power stations in Pakistan, in Karachi and Chashma in the north. Power can also be generated using energy from the Sun (solar power) and the wind (through windmills). Biogas (from cow dung) and ethanol (from sugar cane and maize) can also be used to produce power.
Energy from the Sun is stored in solar panels placed on rooftops or in special locations and is used to generate electricity.
However, this is a very expensive method of producing power. The power of the wind is used through windmills; the blades turning in the wind work the turbines which generate power.
The power of the wind is used through windmills

Water supply
Water supply 

A steady supply of water is necessary for setting up industries since factories that produce metals, wood and paper products, chemicals, petroleum, and oil products, and many others are major users of water Water is used during some parts of the production process, such as processing, washing, diluting, cooling, or transporting a product as well as for cleaning and washing.
Raw materials.
Any matter which is in a natural state and is not man-made is a raw material. They can be plants or minerals. Some raw materials such as plants and wood and some types of rock are found on the Earth's surface However, under the Earth's surface, many minerals are used in industry. There are metallic minerals such as iron ore, copper, gold, and silver. There are non-metallic minerals such as salt, and precious stones like diamonds, emeralds, and rubies.

Apart from these, there are fossil fuels found underground; are oil, coal, and natural gas. A fossil is the remains of an animal or plant that has been pressed between the rocks for many thousands of years. Oil is formed from animal and plant remains buried deep underground for millions of years. Coal is formed from trees and forests that have been pressed under the rocks for millions of years. Natural gas is also formed in a similar way to oil and coal. It is found in the form of tiny bubbles without any smell, and it is mostly methane gas.
Oil and gas are obtained by drilling and coal is mined. The fossil fuels found in Pakistan are mainly gas and coal. There is very little oil.
Pakistan does not have many metallic minerals; chromite, iron ore, copper, 
and manganese are some of the metallic minerals found here in small quantities. However, there is a good supply of non-metallic minerals, like rock salt, gypsum, limestone, soapstone, sulfur, and marble. A variety of gemstones is also mined 
Machines and workers. Most of our factories use machines to manufacture (make) things. We make some of these machines in our own country. We also import specialized machinery from other countries.
Before a factory is set up, scientists must plan and design a product. Trained people are required to see that the product is made properly as planned and is of good quality. Skilled workers are then needed to operate the machines that will make the product. They also need to make sure that the machines are in good condition all the time.

Natural resources


Iron and steel: Most of the heavy machines which are used in factories, and many of the things we use every day are made from iron and steel. However, as Pakistan does not have adequate sources of iron ore, much of it is imported. The largest iron and steel plant in Pakistan is in Karachi. Iron and steel are also used in the construction industry.
Engineering industries: Boilers, factory

equipment, cranes, road rollers, and other heavy goods are made in large industrial plants in Karachi, Hyderabad,  Lahore, and many other places. Small instruments and tools are produced mainly in Karachi. Cars, trucks, and motorcycles are also assembled. There are smaller factories in Punjab which make surgical instruments, cutlery, and utensils.

Fertilizers, chemicals, and cement: Fertilizers are used in agriculture. These are produced in Faisalabad, Daud Khel, and Gujranwala. Chemicals are needed to make soap, paper, textiles, and other goods. We have several chemical factories. Cement is produced in several factories in the country.

Textiles: The biggest industry is that of cotton products, textiles, canvas, toweling, and clothing. There are over 70 factories that produce woolen goods. We also have a large art silk industry. Pakistan also has about 12 jute mills that produce sacks and bags needed for packing.

A textile mill
Other industries: Pakistan produces sugar, vegetable ghee, cooking oil, soap, etc. There are many small industries called cottage industries. Goods that a produced in these small units include sports goods, furniture, handicrafts, utensil embroidery, pottery, footwear, carpets, and clothes.