Hashim Nadeem novels

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How strange are these rains, sometimes we can't get soaked outside, but they make us burn. It's another thing that the flowers that rain inside us cannot be seen outside."

I bought this book thinking it was a complete story, but when I started reading it, I realized that it is a collection of about ten fables and five poems by Mr. Hashim Nadeem.

All the fiction is admirable but my favorites are the cross Ishq, Kaif Faraq, Wrong Number, Repentance, and Astaghfar, which is also a complete novel story of a dark child but in the way, Hashim Nadeem Sahib has written the entire story of Parizad. It is noteworthy and praiseworthy.

The story of cafe separation. The story of love starts with cafe separation. This story is the story of the love of Haji Ali Mashhidi, Farhad, Farah and Agha Karim. How love remains unattainable. This myth is the summary of it. Perhaps fate will accept this.

Cross of Love is a mother and son story so interesting how people brainwash a child and how a mother is so cruel

I can't tell you about all this fiction but if you have read Hashim Nadeem Sahib, you will know how he writes. He is my favorite writer and you must have read his Abdullah novel. I am still reading Abdullah these days, the second part.

Hashim Nadeem's literary collection
Hashim Nadeem book 

  • About Writer 
  • Gems of Literary Treasure: Hashim Nadeem's Collection

Hashim Nadeem's literary collection is a treasure trove of emotions, fables, and poetic finesse. As I embarked on this literary journey, what I initially assumed to be a single narrative turned out to be a collection of ten captivating fables and five enchanting poems. Each piece within this assortment is a masterpiece in its own right, with a profound impact on the reader.

Among these gems, several stood out as personal favorites. "Cross Ishq," "Kaif Faraq," "Wrong Number," "Repentance," and "Astaghfar" are stories that leave an indelible mark. However, The tale of Parizad, masterfully crafted by Hashim Nadeem, deserves special recognition for its depth and brilliance. Once you delve into this narrative.

He also artfully illustrates how love can remain elusive, a theme that resonates with the human condition. Fate, it seems, has its plans.

While it's impossible to convey the essence of every narrative, Hashim Nadeem's writing style is an experience in itself. As a devoted reader of his works, one cannot overlook his ability to craft stories that touch the soul. His novel "Abdullah" remains an ongoing part of my literary journey, a testament to the enduring impact of his writing.

  • Hashim Nadeem is, without a doubt, a literary virtuoso, and his collection serves as a testament to his storytelling prowess and the profound emotional impact of his narratives.

My point of view 

  • As a poet

How strange are these rains, the ink-drops that fall,

Invisible they pour, yet within, a tempest's thrall.

We cannot be soaked in this outside shower's grace,

But inside, they ignite our souls, leaving a fiery trace.

I thought this book a tale, a single journey, complete,

But in its pages, a collection of stories, a literary feat.

Ten fables and five poems penned by Hashim's hand,

A mosaic of emotions, in a world where we stand.

Among them, my heart finds a special place,

"Cross Ishq," "Kaif Faraq," in love's elusive chase.

"Wrong Number," "Repentance," and "Astaghfar" too,

Stories that touch the core, emotions they imbue.

"Fairy Zad" shines bright, a full novel, you see,

Parizad's story, woven with brilliance, is a sight to be.

For if you read this tale, there's no escape in sight,

From the enchantment of "Fairy Zad's" radiant light.

In "The Café Separation," the love story unfolds,

Haji Ali Mashhidi, Farhad, Farah, stories untold.

How love remains distant, an unattainable prize,

This myth is a reflection of life's endless ties.

"Cross of Love" explores a tale that's rarely spoken,

A mother and son's story, a spirit deeply broken.

How cruelly a child is led, a mother's mind beguiled,

In these pages, emotions and secrets are reconciled.

I can't unveil every tale; the words couldn't suffice,

Hashim Nadeem's penmanship is a literary paradise.

A devoted reader, Hashim's tales weaved in my soul,

As I traverse "Abdullah," a story that makes me whole.

Hashim Nadeem's artistry shines, a creator so divine,

His words are a world of emotions, in every single line.

In these tales, in these fables, and in the poems he scribed,

A literary journey of wonders, where emotions reside.

Hashim Nadeem books
Abdullah by Hashim Nadeem