Poetry is a reflection of your life. When you think deeply about your life, then you write poetry. This is what I wrote poetry about overthinking. Beacuse I know now days every person stuck in this cage. You see what bothers a person the most in life, thinking too much about future, they think all the time, thoughts sometime distroyed a person from the inside and then he or she is not able to give importance to anything in his or her  life, even if we want to. We can't get rid of these thoughts past , present or future.  Every day is a part of our thoughts and it keeps us tied to ourselves and thinks that we can never get out of the cage

Poetry about overthinking 

My mind is a maze, a never-ending loop

Of thoughts and worries that won't recoup

Overthinking, a habit hard to break

A constant battle, a never-ending ache

My mind wanders to the what-ifs and maybes

To the past and future, to the unknown and crazy

I analyze and analyze, but to no avail

As my thoughts spin, my heart begins to fail

Overthinking, a thief of my peace

A weight on my shoulders that will not cease

I long for clarity, for a clear head

But overthinking leaves me feeling dead

I try to let go, to loosen my grip

But my thoughts keep racing, they won't slip

I long for stillness, for a quiet mind

But overthinking leaves me far behind

Oh, overthinking, a curse that I bear

A burden that I cannot share

But in my poetry, I find release

And with each word, I find some peace.

  • By Fiza gill 


The sun sets low in the sky

As evening shadows come nigh

A cup of tea, a moment to sigh

Reflecting on life, with a wistful eye

The world slows down, the pace is calm

No need to rush, no need for qualm

Just sip your tea, let your thoughts embalm

And let the evening bring its healing balm

great evening with a cup of tea is a simple pleasure that can bring immense joy and relaxation. As the sun sets and the sky turns to a beautiful shade of orange, the warmth of a hot cup of tea can be soothing to the soul. 

Sitting down with a warm cup of tea in hand, taking a deep breath, and reflecting on the day can be a therapeutic way to unwind. The aroma of the tea can be inviting and comforting, transporting you to a peaceful place where the worries of the day seem to disappear.

As you take a sip of the warm tea, you can savor the flavor and feel the warmth of the cup in your hands. This moment of calmness can be a time to enjoy the little things in life and appreciate the present moment.

The evening can be made even more special by sharing this simple pleasure with loved ones, engaging in meaningful conversations, and creating memories that will last a lifetime. A cup of tea can bring people together and create a sense of warmth and comfort that is unparalleled.

In a world that can be chaotic and fast-paced, taking the time to enjoy a great evening with a cup of tea can be a reminder to slow down, breathe, and appreciate the beauty in life's simple pleasures.

Poetry about myself 

Fiza, my dear, it's time to soar,

To chase your dreams and reach for more.

Your goals are waiting, don't delay,

You have the power to pave the way.

With passion in your heart and fire in your soul,

You'll overcome every obstacle and reach your goal.

It won't be easy, but don't you fear,

For with hard work and dedication, success is near.

So don't hold back, don't hesitate,

Take that first step, it's not too late.

Believe in yourself, you have what it takes,

To achieve your dreams and make no mistakes.

Fiza, my dear, let's go and fly,

And reach the stars up in the sky.

With determination and strength in your stride,

You'll make your dreams come true, with nothing to hide.

Poetry about Consistency 

Consistency is key to achieving success,

With dedication and effort, you'll progress.

Set goals and make a plan,

And work towards them every day you can.

Stay focused and see  discipline

And don't let setbacks make you give in.

Be patient and persistent,

And don't be afraid to be consistent.

For success comes to those who strive,

And work with consistency to thrive.

So keep pushing, and don't give up,

And you'll reach your goals with a little luck.

And when you do, you'll look back with pride,

Knowing that consistency was on your side.

  • life gets tough


When life gets tough, and skies turn grey,

There are ways to survive, come what may.

Find strength within, don't give up hope,

Hold on tight, you're stronger than you know.

Connect with loved ones, lean on their care,

Let their support lift you up and share.

Take time for yourself, practice self-care,

Nurture your mind, body, and soul with care.

And when the storm passes, and the sun shines bright,

You'll emerge stronger, filled with new light.

For survival is not just about getting by,

It's about thriving and reaching new highs.