In this article, I'll discuss some key points to consider when creating a presentation on the Age of Chaucer. I'll provide practical advice and thought-starters that will have your audience captivated from start to finish.

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Introduction to Chaucer and the Age of Chaucer

You've been asked to give a presentation about the Age of Chaucer – and you're eager to show what you know! But where do you start? Start by giving your audience a brief overview of this fascinating period of history.

As we know Geoffrey Chaucer is considered by many to be the founder of English literature, his work is very famous in every corner of the world and his works are also famous in UK and abroad. His work often touches on themes like morality, justice, and human folly in clever and humorous ways that make it easy for readers to relate to them. His time is very old. Chaucer's era refers to the 14th century, a time of civil wars, scientific and technological advances, new forms of literature, rational thought and philosophical movements. But even today these words wake people up from sleep.

The period saw growth in international trade and population, while feudalism (a form of government) slowly declined as a social order. It was during this time that prominent literary works such as The Canterbury Tales were written. Understanding this period's culture is essential for grasping the genius behind Chaucer's literary contributions - so it pays to have a deep understanding before putting together your presentation!

Major Works of Geoffrey Chaucer

When it comes to discussing the Age of Chaucer, one of the first things to do is to look at the major works of Geoffrey Chaucer himself. As a masterful storyteller and poet, Chaucer had a great influence on both literature and language during his lifetime.

Some of his most famous works include:

  • The Canterbury Tales: A frame story from which various tales are told during a pilgrimage from London to Canterbury.

  • The Book of the Duchess: An elegy composed to mourn the death of John of Gaunt's first wife Blanche.

  • Parliament of Fowls: An allegorical dream vision in which birds discuss love as part of a courtly debate.

  • Troilus and Criseyde: A romance that follows two lovers separated by circumstance and war.

These four works are just some examples from Chaucer's masterpiece collection—a body of work that is still highly regarded by literature fans today!

Themes in the Age of Chaucer

If you’re preparing a presentation about the Age of Chaucer, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the themes throughout his works.

Courtly Love

Chaucer was heavily influenced by courtly love ideals in his works, a concept rooted in medieval Europe where a knight would show heroic gestures to serve and impress noble women. He weaves this theme into his works to focus on emotion and romance while also expressing loyalty and adoration towards the figures mentioned.


Religious themes are heavily present throughout Chaucer’s work as he was very devoted to his faith and believed in its power. From references to pilgrimage to allusions to Divine Providence and Judgment, religion was a major influence in his writing which still holds today.


Morality is key within many if not all of Chaucer’s works, specifically in tales such as Pardoner's Tale where moral justice is served for those who wronged the old man. Even morality between genders is noted, as there were set standards for how men and women were expected to behave during the period.

Overall, these three themes—courtly love, r religion, and morality—are staples within Chaucer's work from back then that can still be found throughout literature today.

Medieval Principles and Beliefs During the Age of Chaucer

Now let's hop into the world of medieval principles and beliefs during the Age of Chaucer. During this period, there were 3 main pillars: faith, family and feudalism.


Faith played an integral role in life, so most of Chaucer’s works revolved around religion. He wrote a lot of Christian-themed poetry and literature and often used moral tales to make religious points.


Family was also very important during this time, as it was believed that family ties defined personal identity. People were expected to uphold their family name and live according to the standards that their ancestors before them had set.


Lastly, feudalism was also a key part of this period in history. This was a system where kings would grant land to lords who, in turn, allotted land to peasants or serfs who would work the land and pay taxes or tributes back to the lord they worked for. It's a complex system with a lot of rules, but understanding its impact on history can provide you with great context when discussing Chaucer’s work.

Significance of the Age in Literature Today

Geoffrey Chaucer's writing greatly impacts modern literature and culture today, and understanding his contributions can be an effective way to demonstrate your knowledge of medieval literature. From the Canterbury Tales to Troilus and Criseyde, Chaucer wrote some of the most beloved works the in early English language.

The Age of Chaucer is highly significant for its contributions to modern literature, and some points to highlight in your presentation might include:

Contributions to English Literature

The stories written by Geoffrey Chaucer served as foundational texts for the Middle English period huge i in the production of text. The Shakespeare form of poetry, and the tales often included proverbs about human behavior that are still included in English literature today.

Influence on Narratives

Chaucer's tales tend to be framed within moralistic contexts and focus heavily on human emotions and relationships. These aspects still influence how we think about narrative structures today, as many authors employ similar structures when crafting stories with themes related to morality.

Reflection of Society

During this period, much of Europe was rapidly changing, which Chaucer reflected with his writing by introducing new concepts into his writing such as courtly love. He was quite adept at using satire to highlight certain flaws within society during the Middle Ages, which can still be seen in many texts today—with authors often trying to raise awareness about pressing social issues by alluding back to these themes found in Chaucer's work.

Understanding these points related to Geoffrey Chaucer's work can be incredibly helpful for putting together an effective presentation about the Age of Chaucer that effectively incorporates a holistic view of this era's impact on

Closing: Advice on Presenting Materials on the Age of Chaucer

Now that you have all your materials on the Age of Chaucer together, it's time to put on an amazing presentation. Here's some advice to help you make the most of it:

Focus on Quality Over Quantity

When presenting information, more isn't always better. Instead, focus on providing quality information that is essential to understanding the key points of your topic. This will ensure that you are delivering the most impactful and valuable information.

Engage Your Audience

When presenting, be sure to engage with your audience by asking questions and inviting feedback. This will help make sure your presentation is tailored to their needs and interests and is as interesting as possible. It also helps to keep everyone focused and attentive.

Prepare for Questions

Make sure to prepare for questions so that you can answer them confidently during your presentation or after it has ended. This will help show off your knowledge about the Age of Chaucer and demonstrate confidence in yourself as a speaker.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to delivering an amazing presentation about the Age of Chaucer - good luck!


The Age of Chaucer was a time of great creative and literary genius, with an abundance of works in poetry, prose, and drama. It was a time of great innovation and progress, with a variety of philosophical and religious topics inspiring authors. Despite its brief timeline, the Age of Chaucer has a lasting legacy in the world of literature and culture.

Presenting on the Age of Chaucer is the perfect opportunity to delve into the rich history and culture of this period. With a thoughtful and well-crafted presentation, you can bring the Age of Chaucer to life, giving your audience an unforgettable experience. By learning about its authors, works, and cultural implications, you can create a strong and engaging presentation that will leave a lasting impression.